Dr. Ramesh Badlani, an ardent champion of education, established the National Public School in 1994, He firmly believed that the innate potential of each child comes to fruition only through qualitative education and that the calibre of education imparted today, determines the trait/aspect of life in India, tomorrow.
Dr. Badlani’s vision envisages a well rounded education of children, where – in the qualities of the mind, body and soul are synthesized to create a complete human – being. The students departing from the portals of NPS should carry with them the aura of an educated and enlightened human – being, as well with values that make them ideal citizens of the country.
Dr. Badlani himself is highly educated (Dentist B.D.S., N.B.D. (USA) ) and a popular and well respected personality of Indore. His missionary zeal for education has few parallels. To provide for the best there in education, he has incorporated modern concepts, amenities and systems to create a progressive and vibrant institution, at power with only the best in the country.
“We have to walk with time to keep pace with the world,” rightly said by Bill Clinton.
We must become the change we want to see. We live in a dynamic world. Nothing remains constant change is inevitable. No improvement is possible without it. The sad thing is that all of us clamour for change, but the irony is that everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself /herself.
It’s a reflex action ‘to resist’, which is spontaneous and prompt. Have we ever thought, if we don’t accept change, where we are going to……..
Change to alteration, transformation. ‘Change means changing the inner attitude of the mind which can change the outer aspect of lives.’ Some people feel threatened by change, another set of people do not approve of it.
Transformation has taken place in-Education, in society, culture, values, attitudes, not only these ‘Nature’ is changing (global warming, tsunami…..) are the consequences of change. Yes, change symbolizes growth and development. It accelerates us towards progress.
A big ‘Q’ is, are we seeing a change in us for progress, accepting it as a challenge to live in this dynamic world, or were challenging the Creation of the Almighty. Change, to create good human beings. A pious man once prayed, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Change should be progressive, which should strive for a good breed of the human race, which should be accepted in good spirit and wisdom.
If we really desire the change to world we, individuals have to change our behaviour our deeds as self directed change is better than trying to change the entire world. You be the change – to be leader, initiator – and see the difference. Enjoy the fruit and prove nothing is impossible, only human effort is necessary.
The great words of Saint Shri Sadhu Vaswani “We educate a child – how to dive, fly high but, we have not educated his Mind and Heart.”
Let us also remember the dictum: If there were no changes there would be no butterflies.
So readers : Don’t be rigid, accept chang whole heartedly in a creative spirit and wisdom by over coming the teething problems. Let us help bring up our children in a better world. Let us share our intellectual resources to improve upon.

Management | |
Hon. Dr. Ramesh Badlani Chairman | 0731-2620451 |
Ms. Vijaylaxmi Khatwani Secretary | 0731-2620451 |
Mrs. Shankuntala Badlani Trustee | 0731-2549277 |
Committee Member | |
Mr. Anil Garg C. A. | 0731-2549277 |
Educationist | |
Mr. G.S Yadav (Retd. Colonel & Principal) | 0731-2412110 |
Mr. Suresh Bhargava (Retd. Principal KVS) | 0731-2486063 |
Mrs. Nalini Pal (Principal Columbia Convent) | 0731-2593566 |
Dr. Ashutosh Mishra (Professor, DAVV, Indore ) | 98260-74985 |
Mr. Ravindra Thakur(Lecturer GHSS,Gandhi Nagar) | 99813-82261 |
Teacher Members | |
Mrs. Suman Kochar (Principal) | 0731-2620451 |
Parent Members | |
Mrs. Pallavi Mishra | 0731-2620656 |
Dr. Ruchi Banthia | 98268-69033 |
Mr. Nitin Gangwal | 94074-19880 |
Mr. Yogesh Jain | 94254-31294 |
Dr. Divya Sharma | 99260-69974 |
Mrs. Rekha Kothari | 0731-2431214 |
Ms. C.S. Gupta | 91111-14000 |
Mr. Somil Mehta | 94251-25034 |